Finding the Cost to Acquire a New Patient Lead January 16, 2018 ADMIN Off Mobile Marketing, No matter how you acquire new patient leads in the medical business, it costs you...
Creating Innovative Healthcare Apps for Your Medical Practice September 12, 2017 ADMIN Off Mobile Marketing, At some point in our lives, we’ve all searched for answers to health questions on...
Medical Practice: Updating Your Website for the Digital World May 9, 2017 ADMIN Off Medical Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Like many well-established medical practices, you probably have a website. However, when is the last...
How a Healthcare App Can Improve Your Medical Practice April 25, 2017 ADMIN Off Mobile Marketing, An effective way of marketing any business is to have something worthwhile to market. Now,...
Taking Advantage of Mobile to Gain Health Consumers April 11, 2017 ADMIN Off Mobile Marketing, Mobile is the future. At least 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and 89%...