Email Marketing Tips for Medical Practices

Email marketing may be the boost your medical practice needs.
Communication is an essential part of any medical practice. When it concerns health, patients like to be well informed. Physicians who take the time to reach out to their patients have a better chance of gaining their trust. Now, it’s obvious that you can’t to make phone calls to every single one of your patients. There is another solution. One of the more personal forms of modern communication is email. Email marketing can be a powerful tool for your practice if you know how to do it right.
The Benefits of Email Marketing
The first thing you should know about email marketing is that patients prefer this method of communication. It’s quick, it’s painless, and doesn’t interfere too much with their daily lives. As a doctor, it will also free up a lot of time. Emails can be scheduled in advance, leaving you time to do other important tasks like meeting with patients. Your emails can range from patient updates to appointment reminders. The possibilities are vast, and you just have to know what methods to try out.
Give Patients a Choice
When patients provide their email information to you, it is best to let them know what information they would like to receive. While some might like a monthly newsletter, others might find it annoying and invasive. There is also the possibility that they just want regular updates on the status of their health. In the beginning, make sure to know what they want from you.
You also need to give patients a way out. There is the possibility that they may not want to see your content in their inbox anymore. Don’t make it difficult for them to unsubscribe. You have to be respectful of your patient’s wishes, and more importantly, by law, you have to put an easy-to-find unsubscribe link within every email.
Secure Your Emails
Two important aspects of being a doctor include providing patients with the best care possible and protecting their private medical information. With that in mind, you have to be very careful about how you send information to your patients over the internet. Everything you do must follow HIPAA regulations, which includes informing patients of the dangers of posting information online. Make sure that they opt-in, confirming that they understand these risks. To calm some of your patient’s fears, use an email service that is HIPAA compliant to ensure security.
Keep Emails Simple and Professional
Like every other aspect of your marketing, your emails have to follow suit. Your content should reflect the general tone of your messaging. People expect their physician to be professional and knowledgeable. Your content should not have any grammatical errors or appear too casual (slang, shorthand, etc.).
Another important thing to remember is that people like their content to be short and sweet. While you might be ready to pile every bit of information into your next newsletter, it is better to keep it nice and concise. Your patients are more likely to be overwhelmed by too much. Find out what data can be separated and create different emails for it.
Hopefully, these medical marketing tips were helpful. If you need more guidance on how to increase your patient acquisition, buy and read our Medical Practice Marketing book on Amazon. Start bringing more patients to your office today.