Make Your Medical Website Appealing

Find how you can attract patients with your medical website.
Getting a website for your medical practice is a huge step in making your mark in the digital world. Now it’s time to make that site appealing to viewers, which is the real challenge. Consider how your website will communicate to your viewers. What do you want them to know about your office? Displaying all this information creatively, alongside compelling visuals can improve your practice’s acquisition rate. Here are some ideas for adding more likeability to your medical website.
You Want To Be Understood More Than Heard
The tone of your medical website is a hard thing to control, and it’s also a vital aspect of making your practice’s website appealing. You want to speak in a tone that doesn’t belittle anyone’s intelligence. At the same time, you don’t want to cram too much medical jargon into text made for a casual audience. Very technical medical terms should only be used in specific sections of your site, like pages that explain procedures.
The layout of your website lets people know what information is relevant. Make your office’s address and phone number apart of the header image. You can also put it on the bottom of the page. There is nothing wrong with having this information on both the bottom and the top. Now, as for the header image itself, that could be done in a number of ways. Having a picture of your practice’s entrance is an excellent way to show prospective patients what to expect. You could also go the way of using stock images of people and families.
Scrolling Narrative, Draw Their Attention
The header of your website isn’t the only place to have pictures though. To make your website as visually appealing as possible, use images as much as possible. However, don’t just clutter your website with images just for the sake of it. Only add an image where it can be displayed tastefully, such as on buttons for different sections of the site.
Some modern websites have a scrolling narrative on their homepage. This scroll down aesthetic allows for information to be sectioned off, making it easier to digest. Your website will have a natural flow, which users will follow as long as you don’t add too much information between the sections. Having big chunks of text, while necessary at some spots, is not all that appealing to the average viewer.
Make a space that introduces the doctors and specialist in your office with their name and picture. Add some text with a description of their specialty and a little bit about who they are. You can make this a separate page or just make it a part of the scrolling narrative on your home page. Give people a sense of who will be treating them when they come to your offices.
Remember, it is important to be original. The voice of the website, meaning the writing across each page, should not sound generic. The images have to be relevant and inviting, giving off the idea of healthcare. Also, the layout needs to organized properly.
Create A Medical Website With MedINFOtech
Hopefully, these tips have given you a greater idea of what goes into making a great medical website. For even more information on marketing your medical practice, look for our book “Medical Practice Marketing: New Patient Acquisition Methodologies” on Amazon. You can also contact us at MedINFOtech. We experts at creating medical websites for exceptional practices.