Website Analysis

Our web developers scrutinize the graphic elements, relevant content, and development technology used in your current medical site. Because you want your viewers to be able to reach their desired information quickly, the overall usability of your medical site will be included in the summary analysis as well. We’ll compare the information that we’ve collected to your direct competitors’ medical practice website and be able to better address any problem areas.

After a full website analysis, MedINFOtech would be happy to continue working with you through a full consultation. Adopting the recommendations given after a consultation will place your website on the right track to successful patient acquisition and retention.

A website for a medical practice should showcase the visual identity of the practice while reflecting its current goals. Let MedINFOtech analyze your current medical site and provide a summary analysis of how you compare to the competition. Whether you are interested in informing patients of your services or aim to have patients book their appointments online, your medical website design should reflect your goals.

Looking at MedINFOtech for a website redesign is an indication that you are not happy with your current medical website. Design elements may be missing, web development may be incorrect or it may be difficult to navigate your site. Whatever the issue may be with your current medical website design, our thorough website analysis will pinpoint it.